Don’t Believe Everything You Read: The Limitations of Health Reporting

The problem, of course, was that the press people didn’t actually understand what the articles were saying, because the articles were cloaked in scientific jargon and had a lot of tables. So the press people read the abstract and perhaps an email from the Editor-in-Chief and wrote a press release with a catchy headline.

Upright Globetrotting

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that I am a person who is not like the others, because I’ve built so many accommodations for myself into my life. But when I travel, I come to appreciate how many modifications I’ve made in order to keep up the pretense of normalcy. Last month I flew to Scotland, where I spent three weeks visiting family. It should have been a restful and relaxing trip. After all, I wasn’t working and had no real responsibilities besides being a support babysitter and making one meal a day. But since I left the little terrarium I’ve…