Schmorl’s Nodes: What Are They, and What Causes Them?

At first, it seemed like mechanical damage was all there was to the question of “What causes Schmorl’s nodes?” But once the role of genetics in back pain was becoming understood, scientists decided to investigate Schmorl’s nodes as well.

7 Exercises to Avoid If You Have Sciatica

In his textbook for coaches and trainers of elite athletes, Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance: Sixth Edition, Dr. Stuart McGill lists pervasive exercises that are particularly damaging to the spine. To my consternation, this list overlaps almost perfectly with the list of exercises I loved best when I was dedicated to pole dancing. Don’t be like me, kids! Save your spines! Don’t do these seven exercises!

This New Treatment Plan Is Fixing My Sciatica

After a few weeks, I realized my nerve was quieter at night. The first time I lay down to sleep and didn’t feel my sciatic nerve pulsing, I was so excited I nearly cried.

Book Review: Back Mechanic by Dr. Stuart McGill

Any budding complaints died on my lips somewhere around Chapter 2. Unlike most other books I’ve read that cater to patients, this one was straightforward and packed with information. Refreshingly, it did not seem to assume that I am a couch potato who is incapable of following a doctor’s advice.