What’s It Like to Have a Sitting Disability?

The logo for the What's It Like? podcast includes the podcast title in a serif font, superimposed over a dark background with abstract feathery strokes in purple, green, and magenta.
The podcast that makes you realize how many experiences you've never had.

I don’t need much of an excuse to expound upon my medical history, or delve into the little-known consequences of having a sitting disability. When Hannah, who hosts the What’s It Like? podcast, actually asked me about these topics…well. I gave her an earful.

You can listen to our full conversation by clicking the play button below.


If you’d like to further explore the topics discussed, these links are excellent places to start.

2 thoughts on “What’s It Like to Have a Sitting Disability?

  1. What a great interview! I’m glad to have learned more about you, Krista. The part about the negative effects of standing too much was especially helpful in understanding my shift to laying down most of the day. It translated to not being as active, but now I know my body was preventing further damage. A starting point to find more balance in this area. You are awesome.

    1. Right?! Standing all day is tougher than it looks! My legs are crazy strong, but the more I stood, the more painful it got. I didn’t understand why for the longest time, until I left my job and started researching it. I’m still not sure where all my various pains came from, but now I’m strict with myself, and usually spend at least 8 hours per day lying down.

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