The reason I drink watered-down soy sauce is…for my health.
Month: July 2020
I Could Tell You What My Sitting Pain Feels Like, But You Wouldn’t Understand
Every time I’ve tried to explain what my sciatica feels like, I walk away from the conversation feeling like I’ve failed.
Sitting Disabilities Survey Results
In July, 2020, I conducted a survey of sitting-disabled individuals. These are the results.
How To Work Lying Down
I decided to spend some time researching the optimal reclining work setup. I found that solutions do exist, and I have some ideas for how to improve my setup.
Ergonomists Care About Hairdressers. Why Not Sitting Disabilities?
Ergonomics and occupational health experts have long realized that hairdressers and stylists face unique hazards and physical stresses at work, and several governments (including the EU and Canada) and have weighed in on the risks.