If God gave me sciatica for a reason than I have yet to figure out what it is. And after hearing that the man with a direct line to God is not immune, I don’t suppose I can expect a miraculous recovery.
I recently discovered this article from 2017 about Pope Francis’ sciatica treatments. It seems the Pontiff has been suffering from the condition since at least 2007 when he was still called Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The article mentions regular injections, and I also found this passing mention of physical therapy (last paragraph).
I don’t have any in-depth knowledge of the level of pain Pope Francis lives with, or how well his condition is managed. But it seems reasonable to assume that in 10+ years he hasn’t been cured.
I love the story in the article about the Roman physician who connected sciatica with Jacob and told Cardinal Bergoglio he was destined to change his name. I’m sure his comment was a little bit tongue-in-cheek, and surely not everyone with sciatica received it from an angel’s touch. Still, it’s a delightful story.

If I can’t fix my sciatica, then at least it’s nice to imagine there is some divine meaning in it. (I suppose I had a chance to change my name when I got married, but alas, I ignored the signs and kept my maiden name.)
It’s also inspiring to see an example of someone who has accomplished a great deal in the world despite the pain, and who does not allow his own suffering to get in the way of showing compassion to others.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.