Stretching (I don’t do yoga, but I have my
own stretch routine.)
Decompression (It may sound like a medical
procedure, but really I just hang from a pull-up bar.)
Drinking lots of water
Ice packs
Gentle weight training (It doesn’t do much
to address the cramping problem, but it boosts my mood and warms up my
muscles for stretching.)
Structural Relief Therapy (This is a massage
therapy technique. It doesn’t help with the underlying sciatica issues,
but it does help with the pain that comes from standing all day.)
Meds I’ve Tried That Sort of Work,
But Usually Aren’t Worth It
Things I Avoid Because They Make Me
Running or using the elliptical
Carrying things that put pressure on my spine (heavy backpacks, barbells, etc.)
Sleeping on a soft mattress
Lying down too long (though I haven’t figured out how long is too long)
Things I’ve Tried That Didn’t Help
Physical therapy (I still do many of the exercises. They don’t help, but they’re good exercises and they don’t hurt.)